Allor Documentation v.2 Help

Installation Allor

Once ComfyUI is installed, you won't have any trouble augmenting it with the Allor plugin.

By Manager

If you have ComfyUI-Manager installed, you can install Allor by manager.

By Download

  1. Download Allor: Download the Allor ZIP archive.

  2. Unzip the Archive: Unzip the downloaded archive to the ComfyUI/custom_nodes directory.

  3. Run the Installation Script: Execute the file. You can do this from the terminal with the following command:

  4. Run ComfyUI: Finally, run ComfyUI.

    1. Download Allor: Download the Allor ZIP archive.

    2. Unzip the Archive: Unzip the downloaded archive to the ComfyUI\custom_nodes directory.

    3. Run the Installation Script: Execute the install.bat file. You can do this from the command prompt with the following command or just click on it:

    4. Run ComfyUI: Finally, run ComfyUI.

      With Git

      See how to Work with Terminal.

      1. Open Terminal: Navigate to the ComfyUI/custom_nodes directory.

      2. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository by entering the following command:

        git clone
      3. Navigate to the Allor Folder: Enter the Allor folder using the following command:

        cd ComfyUI-Allor
      4. Run the Installation Script: Execute the install.bat script by entering the following command:

      5. Run ComfyUI: Finally, run ComfyUI.

        See how to Work with Terminal.

        1. Open Command Prompt: Navigate to the ComfyUI\custom_nodes folder.

        2. Clone the Repository: Clone the repository by entering the following command:

          git clone
        3. Navigate to the Allor Folder: Enter the Allor folder using the following command:

          cd ComfyUI-Allor
        4. Run the Installation Script: Execute the install.bat script by entering the following command:

        5. Run ComfyUI: Finally, run ComfyUI.

          What does the installation script do?

          1. Searches for the virtual environment: The script checks for a Python virtual environment.

          2. Installs dependencies: If a requirements.txt file exists in the current directory, the script installs the dependencies listed in it.

          3. Initializes a Git repository: If Git is installed and the current directory is not yet a Git repository, the script initializes a new Git repository and syncs it with a remote repository.

          4. Uses GitPython: If Git is not installed, the script uses GitPython, a Python library, to perform Git operations.

          5. Finishes its work: Finally, the script deactivates the Python virtual environment.

          Last modified: 04 December 2023