- Full Name
- Description
Places images on top of each other in a virtual container with pixel accuracy.
- Backend
- Input Parameters
- Images A
RGB/A images
- Images B
RGB/A images
- Images A X
First images horizontal position in container from left to right
- Images A Y
First images vertical position in container from top to bottom
- Images B X
Second images horizontal position in container from left to right
- Images B Y
Second images vertical position in container from top to bottom
- Container Width
The width of the container in which the images will be placed, if 0 are defined automatically
- Container Height
The height of the container in which the images will be placed, if 0 are defined automatically
- Background
What images will be placed on the background
- Method
Pair — The images from the batches will be merged according to the sequence number.
Matrix — The image from the batches will be merged with all images.
- Output Parameters
- Images
RGB/A images